dimanche 13 septembre 2015

Cheese Topped Egg Stuffed Tomato

I was really excited when I found this recipe in the Guardian, as I've had a packet of zaatar in my cupboard for a little while, screaming out “use me, use me”. Zaatar is a condiment made from dried herbs, such as oregano, thyme and savoury, mixed with sesame seeds, dried sumac and salt. 

Known as Baid bi Tamaten in Arabic, this dish originates in Iraq. 

Cheese Topped Egg Stuffed Tomato

Serves 2
Syn Free on Extra Easy providing you use the bread and cheese as Healthy Extra A&B

4 large beef tomatoes
4 eggs
4 slices bread
1 onion, chopped
¼ tsp turmeric
1 tsp marjoram
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
1 tsp zaatar

Sauté the onion in a little Fry Light until soft. Meanwhile, carve out the centre of the tomatoes and chop the flesh, saving the juices as you go. Personally I don't like the seeds, so I omitted those, but that of course is up to you whether you include them or not. Place the slices of bread on a baking sheet.

Mix together the onion, chopped tomato flesh, turmeric, marjoram and a little salt and pepper. Use some to stuff the tomatoes, spreading the rest on the bread. Place the tomatoes on top of the bread. Break an egg into each of the tomatoes, top with the cheese and sprinkle with zaatar. Bake at 200°C for 15 minutes or so until the egg is cooked to your liking.

This is what my husband ate. As I have already got plans for my Healthy B option later today, I served mine on some leftover risotto, with some of the tomato-onion mixture stirred in.

Two tomatoes each was way too much for breakfast, one would have been enough, but it would make a nice supper dish or a light lunch. 

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